But if they don't use exclamation points, how are you supposed to know they are serious??
But if they don't use exclamation points, how are you supposed to know they are serious??
Everyone sharing the couches… Who says communism doesn't work?
It'd be more interesting if he were "crushing" on other people's couches.
So that's what happened to the HBO CEO of Tits!!
Or here at the AVC.
Labia piercing.
He's a Salvador Dali painting.
Sometimes I think people have too much time on their hands, but then I read something like this and realize that is simply not true at all. Great job, internet!
Bob Hope is God is R2D2??
*Spike Lee angrily tweets TheCleverGuy's address*
*sighs, chips in to pay for the "no-such-thing-as-free" fries*
Maybe that's why they're not still alive…
"FREEDOM FRIES," goddamn it!
Yeah, but that's your answer to everything.
Thanks, Univision!
Can't believe the founding fathers forgot to include "self-defense from cats" in the 2nd Amendment. (It's not in there, right? I've never actually read beyond "well-regulated" before decrying the thing as being utter bullshit.)
The AV Club!!
Good way to weed out the stupid and weak ones, though.
- a lactose-intolerant cat with better grammar
This further bolsters my previous claim that I'd rather watch a feature film of cat videos than 98% (or more!) of movies that are made.