liberal media bias

Bubba [farts]

Did it check out??

De nada, amigos!
- Univision

Dawes pt. 2!! It's not the gritty sequel reboot we deserved, but it's the one we needed right now.*

*nods in agreement*

I'm not even trying anymore.
The A.V. Club!!

I'd be more impressed if they were doing a little turn on the catwalk. On the catwalk, yeah. They do their little turn on the catwalk.

"I'm about to get real sleazy up in here" is probably my new all-time favorite opening for an AVC comment.

…sponsored by Insight Dot Com.


I'd strongly recommend it. Seen them a handful of times and never walked away disappointed. The guys have great synergy (yeah, the word gets a bum rap from the corporate world, but it totally applies) on stage and definitely worth the price of admission.

But if they blocked the spambots, how we would know about these awesome, lucrative opportunities??

Why is this the third-most read for 1/19/16 on the A.V. Club??

"In the climatic scene, Fey gets her ass handed to her consensually penetrated by a coworker trained by Holly Holm." FTFY

I thought it was a documentary??

It's a youth ministry camp held every summer in the foothills of Tennessee. The wealthy wives go there because the whiskey is really good.

Much Ado About Nothing, Bitches is my favorite Shakespeare play!

"That's Tennis?? Oh… then what's the one where the chicks wail on each other?"

Too soon.

Do they floss regularly? Have the vacuumed those goddamned crumbs up from the carpet?