liberal media bias

Every. Single. Time.

As any sane person would.

Man, now I wish I was playing GoldenEye on an N64 with college friends while drinking 40's and eating pizza instead of working. Why the hell do teens want to be adults so quickly again??

"Well, that's what they get for not being American."
- Trump supporters

Every commercial for the cereal should be yet another portrayal of the Wayne parents being gunned down.

The problem is that they didn't specify which kids were doing the testing. They probably chose ones with "people pleasing" tendencies who didn't want to disappoint their mothers who were approving the cereal.

I just assume everyone goes to the matinees like I do…

Current value of zloty = A swift kick in the nuts.

I think we're getting a 2-hour one on March 25 but, as I understand it, you will have to pay $12 to see it.

Sugar Crisp, if only for "truth in advertising."

Either his worst scheme of all time or his greatest; really hard to call.

*starts furiously typing angry letter to Kellogg's*

Sounds like a win for the dry cleaning businesses of Metropolis and Gotham…

Coffee Barista: "Mr. Snyder, your latte is ready.
Zach Snyder: "Inconceivable!"

The Grinder is fantastic. Great writing, great performances.

I don't use the word "hero" very often, but you are the greatest hero in American history.

I don't know, but my friend Andy gave me a cooties shot for five bucks when I was six and I'm still alive 30-some years later.

I don't know if I would have pluralized "dozens" in that instance.

Man, you just kidnap Morgan Freeman's daughter that one time and he doesn't let it go…

Soundtrack provided by Dawes.