liberal media bias

The Set Director wanted to visually convey how much fuller the house is this time.

Yeah, I'd totally take her to church, ifyouknowwhatImean…

I think it's been pretty kind to all three of them…

Just here to help.

Is it any surprise, then, that Donald Trump is still the leading Republican presidential candidate?

The Roaring 20's.


- Jared from Subway

I hope TNT did so by saying "Get off my lawn, you young punks." and then yelling at a cloud in the sky that looks like Spike Lee.

Needs more "Leo D. being raped by a bear." (The bear agrees. Leo D.? Not so much…)

I think that was tried once, but then the AVC gave us the Star Wars Week debacle…

*snickers, raises hand*

Yes, but what does FDA have to say about the fashionable Pizza Hut clothing line?

10 years already!? Fuck, I'm old.

Foxy Shazam - I Like It

Why would you assume Color Me Badd has that kind of availability in their schedule? Also, how is there not yet a "RepostedColorMeBaddFan" gimmick account??

If we considered that to be our "job," then, yeah, I'll bet a lot of us would still be commenting here instead of working.

*hopes no one who would have the power to make such a movie is actually reading*

"But Kylo-Ren, it makes no sense to burn down a city when we routinely destroy entire planets." - Token white guy on starship
"Shut your face when you're talking to me" - Kylo-Ren [destroys chair with a lightsaber tantrum]
"Fine, set phasers to 'burn down Atlanta.'"
[Scottie beams up the crew, then beams them down to
