liberal media bias

"Black Madonna" is Madonna performing in blackface, right?

Metal Princess093 had a minor stroke writing it.

"I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that Subway sandwiches make you hyper-sexual, and no reasonable person can control the resulting urges."
- Jared from Subway

So does mine…and I'm no porn star.

Can't check for a couple more hours — stupid work, never allowing us to visit all of our favorite websites during working hours…prudes — but is that for real??

DTF or GTFO. Wait, what are we talking about here??

Or the band Train?

We're all pulling for you.

Whoa, let's not carried away here…we are still talking about a Full House reboot.

No, you've got it right. It was a crossover special for the holidays.

With CGI technology being what it is, surely we can make this happen! Launching a Kickstarter campaign is the first step, right?

I would watch that literally a million times before watching Fuller House. Even though, as a 37-year old male, I am certainly their target demographic…

Annnnnnd…this is why they don't let us have nice things.

That episode was hil-arious!! Good times, good times…

His mom shares the same sentiments, I hear.

(Now with more tits!!)

No, not just "anyone." They should get The Rock!

"Yeah, but can she pull off Asian?"
- Emma Stone

Yeah, he was quite good in The Wrestler.

*Jimmy Fallon gives candyoh an icy stare, then giggles hysterically at himself*