liberal media bias

*waits anxiously for the punchline*

I remember the scenes, not the boat so much…


I have no proof that says otherwise.

They really should have known better.

It leaves your breath feeling fresh.

Alright, who let Sean Connery in here?

What is your Social Security Number?

One of my favorite albums of all time!

Large, wild cats can still be sexy.

Eh, it'll weed out the stupid ones. "Survival of the fittest" and all that…

Kids love cameos by Sasha Gray, right?

Where is the HBO CEO of Tits when we need him?!

Welp, I'll be in my bunk.

*furrows brow, strokes goatee, decides to create his own spambot, googles "how to make a spam sandwich"*

I'd pay extra to watch that.

They actually weren't. That's just how they look.

As they say, "it's always January 8th somewhere." (Not sure if Denver, though.)

Hope the CancerAids are worth it. (Just kidding, but I did curse your name when I saw I missed a firstie chance…)

So, stride mothers are farmers?