liberal media bias

So this isn't about the cousin from Home Alone who has a bed-wetting problem when he drinks Pepsi??

"Aw, mom, not lightsaber popsicles again!"
"Shut your ungrateful mouth, mommy's busy right now."

Note to self: Do not ever try Dennis Lee's Rice Krispie Treats.

Off to the side, they have "MORE TASTE TEST" listed and I keep seeing the one that starts with "The A.V. Club chokes down…" Maybe they should have saved that intro for this article.

So, that lightsaber popsicle, huh?

Still a big fan of the Gaston one from Beauty and the Beast.

There would be more "trigger pulling" than at an average NRA convention.

As one does.

So maybe (or "more likely") he or she (since we are assuming "not a geneticist" at this point) has DID and converses with his or her other identities, particularly with regards to visual difficulties?

Given the fan base's penchant for misplaced punctuation marks, he or she is probably a geneticist.

Yeah, would you get that out of the mashed potatoes?

XxKarsuTheNinjaxX is the smartest of all Ax7 fans.

This was the most disjointed Star Trek movie ever.

At least it's consensual…

But will I be lost if I didn't see The Hateful I-VII??

I think I'd be more impressed with an unexcited boner.

Didn't Pixels come out this year??

Was it a grudge match "to the death"? Trying to decide if the video is actually worth watching…

Excitable Misunderstood Genius became an Ax7 fan so gradually we didn't even notice…

They are just getting ready for Christmas 2016.