liberal media bias

"Jennifer was! my prized pupil when. it came to? punctuation mark usage"
- Jennifer's 5th grade teacher

*James Marsden's agent begins furiously typing up the screenplay*

Agreed. I am absolutely befuddled by the political choices of some friends and family, but it doesn't change the fact that they are decent, intelligent people.

The best part, IMHO, is that he or she chooses to use [enlightined] as a derogatory term. When is being enlightened ever a bad thing??

Interesting read. Thanks for sharing.

Just because a bar has been set precariously low doesn't mean you should only attempt to barely go over it. I mean, if the Republicans offer up Trump as their choice for president, the Democrats should not reply by nominating a rock with a face painted on it.

If you do, I'd check it out.



Or, as I call it, "just another Saturday night."


Sure, but who hasn't been there?

They could put it in her brownie.

Thank you for sharing.

The idea was good and the cast stellar, but, yeah, you're absolutely right about that. I hate when a movie or tv series has so much potential and then it's a shit show.

Some of us pay good money for that…

I would watch "Kanye meeting Trump" on pay-per-view…or at least torrent it at a later date.

They consider that to be "helping people."

Sure, it will be long dissipated by then, but you can yell at its memory and how kids ruined…well, everything.

Trump. He's running out of ways to incite the ignorant masses.