liberal media bias

Father's monthly frustration

If they did a March spin-off, I would watch every episode they made.

Such a great performance! Between him and Denis O'Hare, some damn fine acting this season.

Sad upvote.

You can't be a pimp and a prostitute too!

Well, he earned all that downtime for…uh…well, thinking is just really hard for the man. I mean, he had to pick out what to wear, choose his favorite coloring book, and decide between juice and milk before nap time. Obviously, he needed all that vacay.

Alright, I know that AHS: Hotel isn't the greatest show on television—or second, or third, etc.—but Denis O'Hare should have been nominated for his performance as Liz Taylor. He is FANTASTIC in the role.

And fuck those who immediately use the tragedy as an illogical reason to say that "lack of guns" is the problem instead of taking a moment to actually think about the victims! For that matter, fuck those who value their right to own a gun over the lives of fellow human beings!!

Ugh, nowhere near where I should be. Although, I found an article that gave me an idea to enhance my WIP. I think I'm going to use this thread as motivation to come back next week and report progress.

I'm sending all my castmates live rats. Please don't steal this idea!!

Nothing new to 2015 here, but this year I really got into The Raconteurs "Consolers of the Lonely" (which I mentioned in another thread sometime this past week) and now I'm currently digging Brendan Benson's "You Were Right." Strong recommendations for both.

^ I concur. That show is fantastic!

I had started getting back into exercising in July and have made tremendous progress through the use of the site Nerd Fitness. (I have no affiliation with them.) Great articles and workouts. I would strongly recommend NF to anyone who is interested in starting or modifying an exercise program. They have advice that

If they incorporated that into an Arrested Development episode, it coulda been a contender Mad Dog Day Afternoon Delight!

PTSD from the Baha Men. (Yes, the song was that traumatic the species still can't get over it 15 years later.)

In the comments section — made by some ignorant dickwad — over on that Breitbart site.

*The NRA collectively orgasms at the thought*

Well, we finally have the answer to "who, who, who let the mad dogs out?"

Depending on your personal preferences with such matters, a hard man can be really good to find…

I figured, but I like to think of it in the literal sense…