liberal media bias

The Internet is giving a voice to the stupid like never before. They are able to spread their bullshit with each other at a rate that blows the mind. Hate mongering happens in the blink of an eye with 140 characters and is shared instantaneously on social media pages with their closest relatives, friends, and people

Yes, it can. See: Trump, Donald.

Well, that is quite a compelling case.



As a professional writer, I appreciate your lesson, but perhaps I might add a missing element? "The use of the correct spatial metaphor…"

Everyone, to the Nerd Mobile!!

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…oh, it's not that complicated a word (unlike, say, inconceivable). I'll bet you have a fine grasp on its meaning.

Patrons had to arrive at the theater 8 days before the film actually started playing.

As a "word nerd," I have to wonder if the trailer will really be shown "alongside" the movie? Doesn't seem like that would be optimal for either the trailer or the film.

Upvoted for happy endings!

You know what else is "complicated as hell"? Cat puzzles.

Gotcha. I should have finished my thought by saying that maybe (hopefully) he is that rock bottom. (Just need to reemphasize that "hopefully"…)

I know what you're saying, but I think Trump's propaganda is taking it to a level we haven't seen.


He went there on vacation two summers ago.

Not "true love"??

Humanity wins.

That's a great impersonation of the Republican presidential candidates, but what are your thoughts on Rambo?

Well, if you ever need a title for an autobiography, you could go with that…