liberal media bias

Where can I claim those steak knives?

Rambo VII: Avenging Leo D. by Raping the Bear, starring, you guessed it, Ryan Gosling.

Upvoted for #3.

Too long, didn't watch - Did Fantastic Four make the cut, or no?

Eh, they had a good run.

The "soary" part didn't come to mind because that's how I actually pronounce the word myself. When Michiganders (I'm a transplant from elsewhere) employ a Canadian accent, they always with go with "aboot," which is why I went that direction. But yours ("aboat") is definitely more accurate from the few Canadians I've

Canada has a reputation for being rather dull, frankly.

Can't remember and don't feel like watching the video (CR;DFLWTV) - Is The Revenant the movie where Leo D. rapes the bear?

Oh yeah? Well, we thought your review sounded like a "nice fun read," but then we were "very disappointed" in your ability to use the correct pronoun J&KN in NC.

Rule 1: You do not talk about Fight Club.
Rule 2: You do NOT talk about Fight Club
Rule 3: No Poodles.

Perhaps…*ahem*…seven times?

That is a great track.

You… animal.

3) Ax7 wasn't nominated this year, so that's basically non-news.

I stopped caring about the Grammys before it was cool not to care about the Grammys.

No comment yet on the boner-ific comment/username synergy??

Not going to see if this has already been mentioned — even if it has, it's worth noting again — but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the wigs that "ruined" the Twilight movies…

I keep waiting for a proper remake of "The Facts of Life" and they keep giving us shit like this. It's pretty obvious - God hates us all.

If your first exposure to Rocky IV came when there was still US/USSR tension, I think it resonates a bit more. Did you at least dig the training montages where they contrasted Rocky in the wilderness versus Ivan working with top-tier Soviet technology? Man, I love that part. (But maybe it's just the cheesy synthesizer

The Raconteurs' "Consolers of the Lonely." Picked it up from the library on a whim and it quickly became one of my favorite albums of all-time. I liked some of the tracks from their first album enough (especially "Intimate Secretary"), but wasn't a fan of some. "Consolers…" though, is aces all the way through.