liberal media bias

Well, you have to pay extra for that.

There has to be a Dikachu joke here…

Were his "angels" there?? Because those are some classy broads.


In all seriousness, that was my all-time favorite halftime show. (Not counting the ones during Puppy Bowl.)

It's a trap!
- Admiral Ackbar

You just legalize gay marriage one time and then a whole gay generation is born…

Donald Trump approves.

Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe they are using the term in the "owner of a foundry" definition?

"Wanna hang dong?" would be more interesting.

Damn, I was hoping it would give us Robert Palmer. (I'm finally ready to face it…I am addicted to love.)

Pro-empowering-ass-kicking-women, but even more pro-they-should-give-us-multiple-upvotes.

Only until Overlord Trump restores America's greatness.

"Did this even have to show up in the Newswire at all?" could be asked of most things that show up in the Newswire.

Well, it was going to be Pluto, but Neil deGrasse Tyson had to go and put the kibosh on that.

Uh, what about the "well-regulated" part found immediately preceding "militias," you know?

I recommend Depends. (But that tends to my answer for most problems….)

1) Nope. 2) A-negative. 3) Not that I'm aware of.


Experimental porn set, you say? Does anyone know if tickets for Chappelle are still available…asking for a friend…