liberal media bias

That could be Trump's campaign slogan, no?

I was going to just bring a camcorder.

"Uh, that's not a phone and get it out of my slot."

This kid. I like this kid.

at the same time!!

Nah, it's a virus.

So Dave Chapelle shows are "Bone Zones"??

So I've got that going for me…which is nice.

We live in America. Cancer-ification is a birthright.

So how do you handle that? (Asks the non-educator…)

Yeah, but their kids could get killed by rocks, so it's okay that they have guns. (The "logic" gun people use is staggering.)

Maybe if little 5 yr old johnny hadn't been such a shit he would get toys that live up to his exalted expectations.

I like the idea of Kickboxer: Vengeance is Awful as a movie that focuses on pacifist teachings and how to find revenge by living well.

I demand the ability to give multiple upvotes for comments like these!

Well, at least we're consistent.

Well, that would imply that most of us actually read the articles all the way through…

That is brilliant, that is the most brilliant movie I've ever heard in my life!

They should just cast Daniel Craig.

"…close enough." Man, Alex could not have ended the review any better than that!
