liberal media bias

as good as it's gonna get
The AV Club

*shakes it like a Polaroid picture*


It can be two things.

They should have replaced Chris Brown with the bear that raped Leonardo DiCaprio.

You wouldn't like him when he's angry with a house.
You wouldn't like him when he's angry in a mouse. (The inference that his penis is small enough to copulate with a tiny rodent…)

"Aww..Star Wars, Nothing but Star Wars. Give me those Star Wars. Don't let them end. Oh Star Wars. If they should bar wars, please let these Star Wars stay. And hey! How bout that nutty Star Wars bar? Can you forget all the creatures in there? And Hey! Darth Vader in that black and evil mask. Did he scare you as much

Well, he would make a better president than 100% of Republican candidates.

I'd rather enjoy it if he gave President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho's speech:

I'd be more impressed with a president who has seen neither.

"I'm the POTUS and I'm here to say/Politics are cool in a major way/Word to your mother"
*drops mic, crosses arms over chest*

Well, that's just good advice regardless of the situation. (Weddings, funerals, while delivering a State of the Union address, etc.)

I'm just hoping he says "The State of the Union is strong with this one."

Only the good ones.

all the good bear rape jokes were taken
The AV Club!!

Completely agree with this synopsis. The appreciation of art is subjective, but that's alright. Some people like the improvisation of jazz, others like the structured elements of classical, and some like the, uh, whatever Ax7 brings to the table. Different strokes, different folks and all…

I'm more on board with those. I just think that "money made" should be disqualified when people discuss whether or not an artistic entity is any good.

Great Job, ClickHole!

There, there, ArgieBargie.

The twist is that the show will only feature him before he became 50 Cent. Lots of villains and terrible writing, though…