liberal media bias

Great review. Agreed wholeheartedly that this show could be so much more. I think a key problem—and I'm paraphrasing a bit on what you say in your article—is that the writers consistently try to eat their cake and have it too. As you point out, they want their Alfred to both be comically inept and an ex-special

Good call on those The Who covers!

Random exclamation!


It's the AV Club, do we ever talk about anything else?

I'd hate to be the pledge on the receiving end of his initiation paddling. (He is in a frat, right? I didn't actually read the article…)

Went to see the Hunger Games movie. Every time Natalie Dormer was on the screen, I kept thinking "If only there was a website that let people know how to date this fine, upstanding woman." Alas, Miss Dormer will probably lead a sad, lonely life…

Maybe he has a couch and plays smooth, relaxing jazz music in his kitchen?

"At this point, Hollywood needs to accept that we only want to see Daniel Radcliffe casting magic or getting fucked by a horse." FTFY

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

Isn't "better to ask forgiveness than permission" one of those 10 commandments? I'm pretty sure it's the one between "don't let them stay up past midnight" and "you do not talk about Fight Club."

Taking a nap.

You might be the first person in history to use those words in that particular sequence.

It was a better, simpler time.

"Oh man, that's the gritty reboot to Weekend at Bernie's that all the kids are clamoring for!"
- Gladden Entertainment exec.

I realize that nothing in this world is for everyone - some aren't even a fan of breathing - but I've seen Silver Linings Playbook several times and always enjoy it.

Huh. I was wondering what that Harry Potter kid was up to nowadays.

Eh, they're more hassle than they are worth. (Always having to clean up after them and feed them and keep them from humping your friends' legs, etc.)

You got it, buddy!

"Needs more tits."
- HBO CEO of Tits