liberal media bias

Oh. I always thought he was saying "true…love."

Can't believe Random Seinfeld Quote Generator hasn't already been on top of this one…

I was looking up a quote from that movie for a piece I was writing at work and I can't believe I had always missed "four-flushing" in his fantastic rant about the boss ("…brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless…").

First, I'm agnostic; not atheist. Second, the rest pretty much holds up. Thanks for noticing, David Hensleman!!

Well, it's kind of the extremists on both sides who take the respective stances.

I figure that if someone is expressing seasonal wishes, I'm not offended with however he or she chooses to do so. Further, I'll respond in kind. So I have no issue saying "Merry Christmas" to a Christian, "Happy Hanukkah" to a Jew, or "Happy Festivus" to a Costanza.

But what if it wasn't?

The random combination of letters, put into memoir form, will become required reading in Florida high school Literature classes. *students fire guns into the air in celebration*

In turn, I'm going to take his memoir and turn it into letters. Does anyone know Jeff Tweedy's home address?

He's not the Stallone we deserve, but the one we need right now.

Donnie Wahlburg? *crosses fingers*

Hmmmm, I'll have to call up A3000 (as only I call him) and check this out.

Seriously, how about those two as President and VP? Maybe on the re-election campaign trail. They are up against two, young hotshot politicians. (Anne Hathaway - because we all know that she is old enough to portray a presidential candidate - and The Rock - because then we know the movie will sell tickets.) Hilarity


Well, Andre 3000's extensive research on the subject culminated in his assertion that "Teddy Pendergrass [is] cooler than Freddie Jackson sippin' a milkshake in a snowstorm."

Sounds like my short, but rather fulfilling, stint as a daycare dictator director.

Spoken with the authority of someone who has firsthand projector-pistol-whipping-and-choking experience.

"A roomful of little Fonzies waterskiing in a leather jacket over mini-sharks?" he asked with hope gleaming in his wide eyes.

"Ugh, I really should've read that contract more closely."

*Ack_Ack drops mic*