liberal media bias

Good call on Harrelson.

Lucky. My wife, who is actually quite intelligent*, loved those damn books. (She liked the Hunger Games ones, too, but now I'm wondering which she liked better…)

"Look, what did I just say about ethnic slurs?"

For me, I think that is the definitive case where the movie was able to match the novel. I could not put that book down, but the movie still had *mid-teens* me on the edge of my seat.

Any exceptions? (Asking because I think there are some, few as they might be, cinematic adaptations that are quite good.)

Too bad he got sent to Abu-Dabhi.

I now have a sticky keyboard
The AV Club!!

Mockingjay Part Pi: Math Class is the gritty reboot we deserve, but it's not the one we need right now.

That happened to me with, ugh, Twilight. By proxy, that won't be nearly as bad for you!

The one where he loves lasagna and hates Mondays?

I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.

It's also my autobiography!

Damn it. Missed my chance to ask why the article about "If you could change one thing about Star Wars" had a picture of Jar Jar Binks with it?

She thinks she's so much better than us.

They had better when you win The Nobel Prize in Literature.

Hey, more dates with Natalie Dormer for the rest of us!!


Wait a second…what's with this "could have" nonsense??

My son is quite the writer.