liberal media bias

*goes out and buys new computer*

Forget 'Wonderwall,' I love the fact you serenaded the Polish village with the theme song from Friends! That is simply fantastic.

Well, I was thinking that my avatar is flipping the bird, too, but that certainly applies. This will help bolster my case as I sue her for, at the risk of getting all "legal" up in here, stuff.

Way too many movies are missing that!

Well, unless they find their way later in life. I was a sensitive child raised in a conservative, Christian home, but am now an agnostic, liberal progressive who has strong values when it comes to supporting those of all walks of life.

He's now "at a farm upstate with other cerebral palsied cameramen."

That's what got me kicked out of Costco! Fascists.

I always feel bad when Costco throws me out for not wearing pants. Fascists.

We always have time for a handjob!

Well, he did have a great "three-point plan" to fix EVERYTHING…

Man, I could really go for a Starbucks, y'know?

At the very least, he should stop stealing all the Asian-American roles from Emma Stone. (It would be the proper thing to do.)

I hear the guy hangs dong, and I'm very interested in seeing that.

Photographic evidence that Jennifer Aniston stole my move! What an (extremely attractive) asshole!!

According to my extensive investigation it is.

And he did pay extra for it.

I'll wake her up and find out.

As one does.

Must be tired, because I initially read that as "…in the middle of fishing." I found that to be a peculiar pastime for Charles. Seemed a little mundane for the dude…

*checks the current polls for the Republican presidential nomination, nods solemnly at Dikachu's second statement*