liberal media bias

This. This I would watch. (And I'm straight…)

I hope you're right about all of that…I'm planning on citing your comment in my doctoral thesis paper on Rumpelstiltskin (and how it relates to Greece's economic meltdown).

Your "badder news" sounds like a win to me!

As one does.

Who is basically Jar Jar Binks in this film? Thatsa whatsa I wantsa know.

Just waiting for the outtakes and audition tapes, personally.

But I'm pretty sure a new Tupac album is still dropping in 2016.

They were too intimidated by the hammer's intelligence compared to their own.

His mom?

Since gay marriage has become legal, I've married my dog…and a horse…and some bread…and a hammer. The Christian right's worst nightmare has become reality!

Some of us can get past that, though.

That sounds like hell.

I don't know. It's just the last coupla days my mind has
been…not good.

That is some serious dedication!

"You see, these Ewoks are bad mother…"
"Shut your mouth!"
"But I'm talking about Ewoks."
"Then we can dig it."

Um, I read an extensive report - read as " a comment by Jake Gyllenhaal" - that says he has never seen MST3K, so we are going to need you to cite your sources. This is the Internet, after all, and it is hardly the place for unsubstantiated claims.

Fire bad.

Can we get a Kickstarter campaign started for this?

*starts penning manuscript for hip-hop dance competition Frankenstein movie, contacts Josh Trank to direct*

That is what the plaque on Ellis Island would read if it were located in the Detroit River.