liberal media bias


Looking at it from a purely business perspective, couldn't it allow them to charge more for advertising during this particular show? So there is potential economic rewards to be gained.

No office supplies. Too vulnerable. Kids, they're already vulnerable.

*unfriends JRR Tolkien on Facebook*

So a typical Monday morning, then?

So a typical Wednesday afternoon, then?

It's in the jello on his desk.

*looks up piccolo on Google, looks at "flute," back at pictures of piccolos*

That doesn't make any sense, he wouldn't be able to see…

At least he didn't get hooked on tomacco…

Clearly, Mr. Keating was not a Fiverr contractor who will soon be facing litigation. (Or he was a really bad one, I suppose.)

Perhaps a zombie John Wayne. (How's that for some true grit, amiright or amiright? Anyone? Is this mic even on??)

I was going to say that replacing Gilbert Gottfried is always the right call, but then I read Ben Grimm's comment…

The rebooting cycle is shorter than it once was.
- Crow's New Hair's comment rebooted (with extra grit)

*forgoes cleaning up, raises hand anyway*

Now I'm curious as to the dangers and hazards faced when making adult films…

It is remarkable how well T2 has held up over time. That movie came out when I was in 8th grade, but the effects are still fantastic to this day. (I'm in my late 30's now…)

Damn it, man. You're right. Ugh.

Yes. Racist, elitist hobbits.

"I feel like a plastic bag."