liberal media bias

*clears throat*

Great, now God is going to smite us all. Good job, Internet.

I'm always disappointed when she doesn't play my flute, if you know what I mean.

And for that, I thank you sir.

Except a winner, you loser.

I'll contribute the part of the mortified Mike Myers!

I vote for the one where he raps about George W. hating black people.

"Star Wars could use a lot more Vulcans Ewoks." Fixed that for you.
- George Lucas

Corn Pone is Daniel Craig??

Don't start that again. Kylo Ren wears a mask. Luke Skywalker doesn't wear a mask.

*offers WelcomeShaqKotter a ride to Costco*

"He's in the shitter again."

The zombie will teach kids to recycle…to the extreme.

I only need two…

fraught with danger and intrigue

But this will be a "gritty" reboot!

The Killers doing a Bond song would have been aces.

tl;dr - Does he really have a narrow face? Asking because, evidently, Daniel Craig is the celebrity I mostly resemble. (Not counting Oprah.)

Done and done…with writing it down on my to-do list. I'm nowhere near close to actually bringing Howard and Nester back at this particular time.

*heads to Wikipedia to find out what a Kickstarter is and how to publish a magazine, instead learns about the fascinating history of Mountain Dew Kickstart*