It feels weird to be thinking about new cars when we’re 12 days away from the end of democracy. What’s to prevent a random Trump supporter from just taking my beautiful new car while I’m at the grocery store? The police? I don’t think so.
It feels weird to be thinking about new cars when we’re 12 days away from the end of democracy. What’s to prevent a random Trump supporter from just taking my beautiful new car while I’m at the grocery store? The police? I don’t think so.
It’s long overdue for us liberals to abandon our mania for electric vehicles. It makes us look like elitist snobs and MAGA exploits it ruthlessly. Electric vehicles keep costing us elections and I for one have had enough.
The 2nd Amendment is unconstitutional. Paying citizens to pledge support for an unconstitutional law is unconstitutional.
It’s not just the lost jobs that keep me up at night. I fear most of the flyover states will go full MAGA if electric vehicles cost them the ethanol subsidies that keep their state governments solvent.
I keep getting bounced to the Root. It’s not fair.
There is one freight train that cannot be derailed and it is called Kamala Harris. She is steaming with the power of 100 locomotives down the track to victory.
Trump is living in the 1970s. Football is no longer a contest of field position decided by punting and grinding out first downs with the running game. Trump is correct in believing most Americans would follow Tom Landry or Bear Bryant into battle, but the Landrys and Bryants no longer exist.
I know this is a car site but nitpicking specific policies for specific industries treats Trump like an normal politician. We must avoid the trap of normalizing Trump.
The factual errors in Trump’s EV rants are politically unimportant. What’s important is that Trump has perceived that our fondness for EVs makes us liberals seem like effete latte-sipping snobs, weird and unrelatable to rubes in the flyover states we need to win in 2024.
I support removal of Confederate flags but I’m concerned about the timing of this particular removal. It feels terribly insensitive, coming so soon after President Trump’s attempted assassination. This is a tense moment for all of us and we all need to turn down the temperature. There will be plenty of time to remove…
Scheffler is an important figure to American Christians. He talks about faith and Jesus a lot. It would be smart politics for President Biden to pardon him. Otherwise Trump will promise to pardon him.
I’ll admit I’m a little worried. Higgins claims he has mountains of evidence to support his ghost bus theory. What if he’s trying to bait us into acting like stereotypical dismissive elitist liberals, then comes with solid evidence later?
As a liberal, I personally disapprove of gas-burning vehicles. I’m strictly an electric guy. But I recognize the importance of being perceived as liking gas-burning vehicles. I will not sacrifice Democracy on the altar of authenticity.
I am a liberal who thinks strategically. You should too. Our Democracy is at stake.
Thank you for this timely article. I applaud any attempt by fellow liberals to be more relatable to the rubes in flyover country. Distance running is perceived as a decadent hobby of snotty latte-sipping liberals, so we must publicly disavow it. Using proclamations of fondness for gas-burning automobiles to bolster…
This is why we liberals are losing. We are perceived as effete and emasculated — incapable of physical assertiveness, while haughtily sneering at those who are.
The facts are clear. We liberals must admit that President Obama was unprepared for a pandemic. As painful as it is, fairness requires us to refrain from criticizing President Trump for shortages of masks and other protective equipment. It’s the right thing to do.
Leftist malcontents slanderously claim Mike Bloomberg buys all his friends. If that’s true, why did all these smart successful liberal celebrities endorse Mike? Mike must really speak to their liberal values and dreams, because they don’t need Mike’s money. We liberals should take notice.
The Rural Purge of 1971 was a political tragedy, especially the cancellation of Hee Haw. The Purge created an unbridgeable and permanent cultural divide between us coastal liberals and the yokels in flyover country. Up until the Rural Purge, Democrats were doing a great job pretending to respect hillbillies and their…