Liberal George

This is not a complicated issue.  Kobe Bryant fans comprise a significant voting bloc which we liberals need to win the next election and make Trump a one-term President. Republicans are well aware of that. You better believe Republicans will be condemning Felicia Sonmez in the harshest possible terms, and we liberals

Stewart is spot on. Too many of us liberals have already forgotten that President Obama was a master at sprinkling artfully drawled “y’alls” and “folks” into his patter in flyover country. God bless Jon Stewart for reminding us.

Secretary Clinton is right. Sanders has exploited Democrats’ laudable preference for party unity, but party unity is not a suicide pact. Increasingly Democrats are realizing the most dangerous enemy is the one inside your gates.

Joe and Pete are the Batman and Robin of the Democratic Party. If the Times had to endorse two candidates, Joe and Pete are the only pair that makes sense. Why the Times would pass them over in favor of a bomb-throwing leftist radical like Elizabeth Warren is beyond me. Her rabble-rousing and flagrant disrespect for

What the hell is the point of a Hillary documentary?

I’m still convinced that you are a joke account posting sarcastic comments.

Every time I read hateful words such as yours I am thankful the American people have the good sense to ignore the haters and trust President Obama’s judgment. That’s why Joe has been the frontrunner for the entire race. Nothing you leftist malcontents throw at Joe will ever stick as long as he has President Obama’s

How can you call yourself a Democrat when you have so little respect for President Obama’s judgment? President Obama had full confidence in Joe and still does today. If he didn’t, don’t you think he would speak up and say so? Of course he would.

It’s intuitively obvious that the candidate who is best suited to carry on President Obama’s legacy is President Obama’s Vice President. It’s mind-boggling that we’re still arguing about that.

I confess to having misjudged Senator Elizabeth Warren. I thought she was in a socialist cabal with Bernie Sanders to hijack the Democratic Party and discredit liberalism, but it turns out she was a solid liberal all along. She played Bernie Sanders like a fiddle.  If the Democratic Party has been saved from a

Castro is a nice person, but he faced an opponent who was out of his weight class. Mayor Pete’s political acumen and killer instinct are head-and-shoulders above all the other young candidates who have sought to claim President Obama’s mantle. All must step aside and quit embarrassing themselves.

Hate to say it, but Castro is done in presidential politics. There can be only one young presidential candidate to carry President Obama’s legacy forward, and that’s Mayor Pete. Julian fought valiantly, but the dream is over.

You talk about furthering your interests, but you seem unable to understand that you get nothing if you backstab your party. If you want the party to help you, you must first help the party. After the election, rewards will be doled out in proportion to each faction’s demonstrated loyalty.  The disloyal receive only

How on Earth can the Democratic base’s relationship to the party possibly be a transactional relationship? It implies that the base has license to stay home or cast a protest vote(Green Party!) if it doesn’t get what it wants. That’s madness! There is no contingency in which voting Green can ever be deemed acceptable.

I don’t understand what’s wrong with assuming the Democratic Party’s base will turn out on election day. If we couldn’t assume it would turn out, we wouldn’t call it “the base.” It would just be a bunch of voters we hope will vote for us.

It is incumbent upon us liberals to denounce this socialist rabble that has infected the Democratic Party. We will lose the flyover states if President Obama’s legacy is tainted by any association with socialism, so let’s not let that happen, okay?

You are exactly right about the hypocrisy of radical leftists.  They posture as oracles of the common man but they are anything but.  We liberals are wise to distance ourselves from them.

Mayor Pete is right.

Are you denying the role of God in politics? Smart liberals learned long ago to avoid doing that. It’s political suicide. If you must do it, do it privately.

That’s not true.  President Obama was called to serve.  Any sensible liberal will tell you that, and so will President Obama.