Liana Hallik


Not to get at you, but I'm getting tired of the whole 'misogyny as a joke' thing. Even if it's meant to be 'ironic.'

I tweeted about that shirt and I am also nobody. Perhaps because I'm a woman, I did get a reply. It said something to the effect of "but I'm a man, and I don't think science is unwelcoming to women, so you can't be right." You've totally shown me the light, rando dude, of course, I bow to your superior insight. Or not.

So reading the comments on this thread, home birth is dangerous and C-sections are medically unnecessary. Is there anything else women should not choose to do with their bodies, or is that it?

I think some companies re-use IPs, don't they? So it would be hard to tell exactly who had sent something without greater investigation?

I wonder whether she also has binders full of women?


That kid you asked about above could be the same guy that played Francis in Malcolm in the Middle?

This piece is *fucking fantastic* More please!

Just tried it from England - the link works :)

This is my former school! It is in Bristol, England.

I don't know, I appreciate where you're coming from, but I think servers already have a really tough time of it without people making comments about them online. I waitressed for an events company and I did two shifts before I quit because it is fucking *hard* You get asshole customers, plates are heavy and often

Holy fuckballs, that article is so sad :(

This. Exactly this.

I am so sorry that this has happened to Sammi, and your family - sending internet hugs your way. I hope that in time you can remember her for the life she lived, and not just the way she died :(

Last year, a friend of mine did a year in industry as part of his degree, and he went to America. He said that supermarkets actually in cities in the state he stayed in are few and far between, and some don't sell fruit and veg; I was astonished. In cities in the UK, we have small versions of supermarket shops

It is indeed possible to be a 'junk food vegan' - chips (aka fries) and crisps (aka chips) are probably the worst culprits for this - vegan chocolate is also not that hard to find. I'm vegan, and I love all of the above, but I do try to be healthy!

As a Brit, I don't get to watch much Fox news; this has reminded me why I actively avoid it. The crap coming out of her mouth is pretty terrifying, especially when said with such utter conviction.

"more related than you think"

Please repeat after me: IBS is NOT Crohn's. I have the latter, and find it incredibly belittling of my condition to have it compared to something that is a bit uncomfortable.