Fucking yes. I have Crohn's and you are SPOT ON my friend. Either way, it ain't no picnic.
Fucking yes. I have Crohn's and you are SPOT ON my friend. Either way, it ain't no picnic.
*sigh* there is no such thing as a normal body shape. Why should us Crohnies be left unrepresented by the modelling world? This condition has really added to my body image issues; it has caused me to lose a lot of weight, gain a lot of weight, give me moon face, and a hairy chin. I am 23 years old and in the not too…
I have Crohn's and I don't mean to get at you, but please be careful about mixing these up - I actually find it very belittling of my condition. Crohn's (and all the super fun related conditions) nearly killed me; IBS is just quite unpleasant.
With this being filmed, there is almost literally no other evidence that police would need to prove that this woman was assaulted, as it sounds like she was *clearly* videod being far too drunk to consent. Why are these men not in jail right now? What the fuck do you have to do to actually get a conviction for this?
If it's so easy it shouldn't be a problem for more men to do their share, then, should it?
Money talks - unfortunately it might be the only thing that encourages the university leadership to act :(
You are awesome. Never stop being awesome.
Vegan here - that is total crap. I personally don't know anyone that would do this, so perhaps it is just the people you hang around with.
Can't help but see this point, but from the opposite perspective. Assault investigations *are* a reputational concern; if an organisation ignores allegations of assault or attempts to stifle them, they look pretty damn awful to me. They need to sort it the hell out.
They may have full access, but does the age of consent have any impact on whether people are more or less likely to use these services? I can't remember how I felt about this at that age (I'm also a UKer) - even though I'm only 23 it feels like such a long time ago!
Totally agree. I don't know anyone that speaks like that* =\
I am also in academia, and politics, specifically gender, is my area. There are many different types of feminism, so it depends which one you choose to subscribe to. Liberal feminists want more for women within the system that we currently have, and more radical feminists, myself included, want to change the system so…
Rob was released back into the wild. Paul did a great job of being papa squirrel and teaching him how to do squirrelly things!
Paul is my friend! I find it pretty funny that he has become an agent for a squirrel! He kept Rob for quite a while, nursing him from before he could open his eyes.
You have a website? Link please! Am always looking for new vegan recipes :D
I love the idea of a sentient 'walking closet'. That's got to be worth the money, surely?
I guess these guys would be out then...
I can't believe how many people commenting on here don't see why this is a problem.
I'm not really sure I get this either? I really support people speaking out about sexual harassment and sexism in the work-place, but people talk through presentations on all sorts of stuff, and it seems a bit unfair to assume that these guys were being sexist here. To be honest, those dongle jokes are the sort of…
Thank goodness some men GET IT. I was starting to wonder =[