Liana Hallik

I think it was because he was in a position of power, and that was a complete abuse of his authority. Certainly in the UK it is illegal for, say, a teacher to have a relationship with anyone under 18, even if it is consensual.

This is my situation. My partner earns £45,000 a year (and pays for my PhD), while I study full time and earn about £80 working 13 hours a week on top of that. I do literally 99% of the cooking (and grocery shopping) and most of the cleaning, but we don't have kids. I do feel grateful that he has such a good job, but




That. Sounds. Awesome!

it isn't that women are wrong for dressing that way, it's that no one has a right to control, or judge us for what we wear.

Why are /any/ of their politicians allowed to run for/stay in office if they've been charged with rape?

To put this diplomatically: I disagree.

Whatever a rape victim does will be the wrong thing because some jerk will always try to find something to blame them for.

Because I just can't bring myself to reply to any of these desperately sad responses, or share my own story about my wonderful grandma, here are some pictures of Bassett Hounds running

No, I'm just a bit worn out by the suggestion that feminists/women need to just get a sense of humour because it's all a massive joke.

I just can't. Can someone else get this please?

I feel like this every time I read about a rape or domestic violence. Fuck that fucking shit.

I was going to reply to @Jesse Brandao, instead, I simply say: what Ekhidna said.

Also, feminism goes beyond bodies. Feminism is about creating a less hyper-macho world; things like strict hierarchies and aggressive militaries are hyper-masculine, for example. Feminism seeks a less violent and more equal world, and while this might not always be of immediate benefit to white, middle class men, this

Feminists have a massive mountain to climb; frankly, we have a lot of work to do even getting equality for women, so I can see why there is less focus on men. Indeed, in terms of legislation, there would also be less opportunity for women feminists to push through legislation that helps men because most legislatures

If you could do art while looking after a screaming, pooping baby /all day/ then more power to you.

The only thing I'm laughing at is this reply, as it is clearly a joke.

You do know that ultrasounds can be done ON a woman's tummy, right? As in, on top, rather than shoving something inside her (which is a T-V ultrasound). If you didn't know, then why did you even comment on this in the first place?