Liana Hallik

I wish that were true. Unfortunately, I fear some people could find an excuse to ignore women even if they ruled the world for a few centuries.


So women can't play men even though these plays used to be put on with an all male cast back in the day? Riiiiiight.


I'm with you on that one.

Life is not quite as black and white as that; it is a messy, confusing, whirlwind and we can only do our best. If I am looking after my disabled mother, young brother, alcoholic father, and dying grandmother while studying for exams, excuse me if I don't have time to go to every march ever organised. And yes, that

I do agree with that sentiment. However, I'm not sure it is fair to blame people because their parents sent them to private school. What you can blame people for (sort of) is failing to recognise their privilege.

Happy Shopper is one of the cheapo brands I grew up with, but I think I get what you mean. Yes, there are a lot of people who epitomise privilege at this university, but equally there are a lot of people who are smart and have a good heart. I think it's a bit off to tar everyone with the same brush - isn't that a bit

And where people who grew up on benefits go to do their PhD (in case you didn't get it: that's me).

This is my University - apparently these people have always been nuts.

I'd ask him but I'm pretty sure he'd say no. We haven't really talked about it, though (it's been over 4 years).

Sometimes I just want to stick my fingers in my ears and scream "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" and just pretend that this shit doesn't happen. I am so fed up with the world sometimes.

This is a pretty ignorant comment. There are many different types of feminism, and unless you're going to get involved actively or academically there isn't much need to make a distinction - it is pretty complex. Basically, all you need to know is that we're fucking bored of being treated as lesser human beings.

Doesn't this also apply to /every/ other drug that they might have to take? "Sorry, we can't prescribe that because you're not old enough to know if you'll have an adverse reaction!"

It's not remotely funny though =\ I can't imagine how it must feel, every day, to know that some asshat has threatened to hurt you, or indeed your family. Why don't these people ask themselves how they would feel if someone did it to them? GOLDEN RULE: if you wouldn't like it, don't do it to someone else.

It's also pretty scary lookin'.

These things are not insensitive in themselves. Context is everything here. I live in the UK and if a black person painted their face white, I'd just think they were wearing a weird costume or something. If a white person painted themself black that's not cool because we spent a large portion of time making black


Thanks for sharing this Michelle. It really is extraordinarily brave of you to post this. No one - man or woman - should ever be subjected to this abuse, and I am astounded that so few people take it seriously. My mother suffered at the hands of my step-father but as I was 13 I didn't really know what to do about it
