Aargh! How could anyone vote Republican?! I live in Britain: can anyone explain?
That's really sad =[
Reading all the comments on this, Lena Dunham just can't win, can she? People say they wouldn't want inauthentic people of colour in her show, and then others are calling it intellectually lazy not to have them. She can't listen to EVERYONE, people.
I'm super pleased for you that you don't get cripping pain once a month - just don't make those that do sound like liars, m'kay?
Just to clarify: this post only refers to the US. This is not the case in the UK at all! If only my PhD was funded!
"My conservative vote does not mean I am voting against your interests, or anyone else's interests."
Would you say that the person had not been violated or harmed if it happened to your mother or sister? I would be massively distressed if this had happened to me and that is the issue here: how it makes the individual /feel/ when this happens.
I've noticed that too. I wonder why it is? I'm hoping it's not because they see African people as uncivilised, perhaps animal, beings =\
That... actually happened?
It's a load of shit. This girl just feels entitled to the moon on a stick, and fuck everyone else. I hate this 'reverse racism' argument; AA was created to fix the privilege that white people get, so it's just levelling the playinf field.
I didn't read it as hostility to the study, I read it as mocking the fact that this is still even an issue in our society.
Yes! This is a pretty good list right here http://www.listal.com/list/xfiles-cameos I think one of my favourites is when Richard Belzer appeared in an episode playing a guy called Detective Munch! BD Wong has also been in both.
I think the fact that your name is 'rapeisfunny' pretty much sums up your attitude. Don't you get it? This douche is perpetuating the myth that women are likely to cry rape for no reason, which is rarely the case (and if it is, they may have mental health problems). This in turn leads to under-reporting of rape…
I think this is a pretty good explanation!
It's difficult to know where the circle begins, isn't it. Do women like pink stuff and companies are taking advantage of this, or do women like pink stuff because companies and pop culture say they should?
That gif is pretty much the only thing that makes me feel better about this situation.
He did not serve his time. According to the ever reliable Wikipedia, he was ordered to undergo 90 days of psychiatric eval. He was released after 42 and then fled. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_polanski
I was going to say that it sounded pretty authentic to me - a Brit - and it looks like I was right, judging by the posts below!
But herp de derrrp, slutty mcsluts, derrrrp, won't someone think of the children, herp derp!