Liana Hallik

Have parents completely given up on the idea that they are supposed to teach their kids how to be decent human beings?

I think this sort of thing really highlights the tensions between different types of feminism. On one hand, liberal feminists may argue that we should work within the existing system to give women the same rights as men, but more radical feminists may question the legitimacy of the army in the first place.

Take off and nuke it from orbit - THAT is the only way to be sure.

Can someone PLEASE give this guy a lesson in biology?

A good Republican never lets facts get in the way of opinions.

This guy sounds like the kind of person that was pissed that the government spent ANYTHING at all cleaning up after Katrina.

I think it might be all the fat surrounding their brain, stopping it from working properly, because fat people are obviously dumb. PS CAKE! (Just in case: I'm not serious here).

I don't see how her weight is any of your business. I got sick last year and put on two stone - 28 lbs in Americanese - due to meds. I was fully aware that I was bigger than I would have liked and would not have needed someone like you to make this known to me: I was already fully aware. You have no idea why people

He wouldn't say the same thing to someone on the bus because it would be inappropriate, so why is it acceptable to make comments about this lady? Is it perhaps because people feel like the public 'owns' celebrities?

Oh, I'm so terribly sorry! I'll just go and make myself look attractive for you, as that is all women are good for.

Agreed! I thought the main picture was kind of scary =\ I saw the comparison with the real pic half way down, and the author's kid is actually really cute - what have they done to her?!

But women might start giving birth while jogging!

I think it depends on the flavour of religion - if you've got people from two religious groups who are fundamentalists, then it ain't gonna work. If on the other hand you have two people who are of the 'love thy neighbour' variety of religion, then that might work.

Mammies for some, minature American flags for others!

Um, because people do sometimes, y'know, watch films and listen to music that was made before they were born. I'm 22, and I know about Carrie - the only reason I haven't seen it is because it's not really my genre, but the Star Wars trilogy is one of my favourite things in the world, and that was released around the

I like how you've picked up on 'sexism' and not the fact that an adult beat a child so badly that they were left with bruises. I hope you don't have kids.

AAAAAAAAAARGH. That is the only thing I can contribute to this post.

If Salvador Dali made my Little Ponies, they would look like this.

Bahahaha! I like that!

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets, eating as much as an elephant eats...