Liana Hallik

Oh, please, exalted one, tell me what my opinions should be! I'll make sure to amend them to your liking, just let me get a pen...

Can you explain please? My lady brain doesn't understand, it was too busy being emotional. PS PERIODS!

Firstly, the pulling out technique is not really effective, as a guy doesn't have full control of himself in that department. Probably best not to do that - seriously.

What the fuck humanity? If I found out my (hypothetical) kid was posting this shit (at any age!) I would give them a very serious talking to. How is it that these people have so little respect for women? Were they raised to be such entitled assholes? As for the teacher, he should be fired and never, ever allowed

This was my exact reaction too!

I agree that tone and context matters, but I still think that it's worth a shot. We've tried staying silent, and god knows that hasn't worked =\

I totally get this. The worst time for me is when I don't feel like I am equal to the people I'm talking to, and this is often the case when I go to campaign meetings for my party (I live in the UK). I am usually the only woman and am much, much younger than anyone else there, even though I've been involved for four

That must be reeeeeeeally annoying. I can't think of a solution except calling her on it in front of everyone, but people probably will call you a bitch (I can't see that happening to a dude =\). Maybe try to be more vocal about your ideas in the first place? Like, make sure you claim them loudly first?

I don't see this as being nice or not, it's about doing your job well. As long as someone is polite about what they say (i.e. not 'well that was a fucking stupid suggestion MINE is so much better), then I'd want you on my team over a wallflower any day.

I've never been called a bitch for it, but this is the rule I follow (although I don't change my tone, I will raise my volume if necessary). I've never heard this being called mansplaining before tbh, and I'm not male. Not really sure that statement qualifies?

Talking over me is the fastest way to make me hate you. You'll get away with it the first time, but do it again and I won't give way, I will just raise my voice until you shut up.

Looks like the ad was so awful they shut it down...

Eurgh, why do some people think that others OWE them their personal details?


It's called Arcadia, and it's one of my favs too!

1) Because girls and boys are told which role they must fill, and 2) This reinforces societal prejudices. Men hunt, and women are the hunted. Personally, I object to that. I actually think it's kind of sad that people don't get annoyed at the ways that stereotypes and gender attitudes permeate everything. Everything

I live in the UK and went to a pub for dinner with my boyfriend. They had printed all the calorie info next to the food - he had NO idea how much was in anything, and got chips (aka fries to you Americans) reeeeeally wrong. I'm really surprised how little people know about calories =\

I was wondering that too. Part of me thinks that if people hold these backward opinions in the first place, ain't no point trying to change their minds =\

An excellent analysis, bravo! Now if only people would actually fucking listen.

I am currently on a maternity cover position and, tbh I think it will help me get other jobs in the future (I live in the UK and it's pretty normal here).