Liana Hallik

I also think that this obscures the gender issue here. It isn't men but patriarchy that is often the cause of oppression - for both men and women - and it just so happens that many men seek to maintain this because they benefit from it. Bad luck for the men that don't (rape, for example, is sad whoever it happens to,

This. The concept of the man child is, to me, exactly how you have summed it up. The author has totally got it wrong here.

This is a load of shit. So a woman wants to enjoy her life without having children and getting married? As long as she a modicum of emotional maturity and pays the bills on time, then she is an adult, so why is her life any of your business? She isn't hurting anyone.


It's stuff like this that makes me glad to live in the UK. Being both poor (in UK terms!) and sick, large portions of my family (including myself) would probably be dead if we lived in the US.

That is really fucking creepy.

You're either stupid or a troll.

and to that I add: Herp da derp tax breaks for millionaires but not poor people derp derp!


I'm so, so sorry =[ I can't imagine what it's like to lose a pet =[

It isn't just about how someone looks on the outside. For me, personality has a huge effect on who I am attracted to. She might like you too, give her a call.

I'm with you. It would be creepy if the parents just didn't like the guy, but they were going after a known sex offender to protect their daughter - not seeing what's wrong with this one.

I don't get this. WTF makes people think they have a right to be rude to anyone? I don't care if you're talking to the Queen or a lunchlady, you treat people with a base level of respect regardless.

Reading a lot of the other responses to this, it seems that a lot of these assholes are blaming the people they are groping, or that other people are not intervening. Wtf?

This -> o.O is pretty much the only reaction I can summon for this comment.

What the fuck? There seems to be a theme with these things, with the perpetrators making it someone else's fault. It is not, and they need to learn this.

I am so sorry that this happened to you =[ I was followed home yesterday - I was shaken up but that is nothing in comparison. I can't believe the flight crew didn't care. What a terrible, terrible bunch of human beings. I would have called the police mid-flight and moved the perpetrator to a section by themself =\

You don't think people get jealous and take it out on people? Yeaaah, ok. For the intellectually lazy among you that does not mean that I am denying the existence of racism.


I get what you mean, and I'm white - it must be so fucking wearing to be black, and get told all the time that you're ugly (because that's basically what the media does). Why can't this attitude just fuck off?