Liana Hallik

Ha! I know what you mean - there were a few women like that on my course (smart AND pretty) and I was a teensy bit jealous, but luckily for me they were lovely too so it wasn't hard to be nice!

I'm from the UK, too, but I'm doing a postgrad politics degree which requires me to engage with the US media (it's also interesting and relevant to the UK sometimes). I /totally/ get what you mean about the parallel universe thing - that's a great way of putting it. I really do feel like that sometimes - seriously

TBH I think that's what she's done now. I would never have had the guts to be this honest when I was 16 - it really does take a huge amount of courage. I hope these people realise what they are actually saying, but unfortunately society is so hard-wired to think of beauty in a particular way I don't think people will

Stuff like this makes me SO angry, not least because there is nothing I can do about it =[

Holy mother of fuck. I can't even.

Not that it should matter, but Gabby is beautiful. Telling someone they need to 'fix' their non-white appearance makes me so, so sad. I'm not excusing this at all, but these people probably said these things because they're jealous. Gabby is an olympic medal winner, probably with a long career ahead of her; what are

And what kind of slime their colleagues are prepared to put up with. If I was a Dem politician I'd be fighting to get this ass kicked out - it makes everyone look bad otherwise.

Places where it is hotter than the UK? I holiday on the continent a lot and if it is hot then I wear shorts, if it isn't, I don't. Lots of other people there are the same.


This is fucking disgusting. He should never be allowed to be in a position of trust again.

I just assumed RS would be black, too. Why have they wheeled out a white girl to refute allegations of racism?

Wow, that advert really is terrifying!

Asshole whisperer hahahaha! I think we need more of those to interpret whatever shit is coming out of Republican mouths today.

This is a joke, right? Very original.

Shorts are barely worn in public in Europe? Do you live here? Where I live in England people wear shorts all the time (when it's sunny, of course, but that's another matter!).

I thought this would be some awful 'joke'. It was too hammed up and try hard to be real. Bad nonetheless.

I agree - Lochte, to me, comes across as nice but rather dim. I also agree that his family should not reflect on him, as that isn't really fair.

What a jerk! An unfunny jerk at that. I feel really sorry for that woman, and totally understand the reaction the 'comedian' got.

I'm with you on that one. Can't they just leave it the fuck alone?

Really wouldn't put it past them.