Bahahaha - I hadn't noticed corn cob-man until you mentioned it. He looks pretty sinister to me!
Bahahaha - I hadn't noticed corn cob-man until you mentioned it. He looks pretty sinister to me!
Is that maybe because it is a different kind of shooting to many of the others that have occurred recently? By 'different' I do of course mean 'hate crime'.
The primary, intended purpose of a car is to get from A to B and the primary purpose of a kitchen knife is to cut up food for a meal.
I don't get this at all. It must be a parody? Of something? Surely? If not, then how utterly cringeworthy.
If a woman is trying to stop someone having custody or contact with a child, then it is not a foolish assumption that she does not want to be anywhere near the rapist, whether they are married or not. Derp.
It isn't about being absolved of parental responsibilities, it is about the fact that these people RAPED the mothers and the mothers underfuckingstandably don't want to have anything to do with these fucking assholes ever again, and don't want their children around someone who is capable of such terrible things.…
Has the commenting system just changed again?! I was just getting used to the last one!
Yet states that are so quick to call 'STATEZ RIGHTS OMGZ' will happily go cap in hand to the federal government when they realise they have no fucking money.
And he's an asshole - don't forget that.
I second that. Seriously, wtf? How much more of an asshole do Mittens and friends need to be before people will vote for someone else?
Issues like this are incredibly important, not just for the (horrendous) topic itself, but to tell us what kind of people these politicians are. The fact that they afford people who have been raped so little sensitivity tells us that they are fucking assholes who will shit on everyone if given half the chance. Are you…
I don't understand these idiots. The same people that preach this crap are, presumably, the same people that are against abortion. Pop quiz! What is one of the best ways of preventing abortion? Answer: good sex education and proper use of the contraceptives that prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
Exactly! There are so, so many! That being said, if there are so many kickass women, then why is it that people still write the 'OMGZ RESCUE MEEE!' roles? Baffling.
I'd suggest making a Kickstarter to get this filmed, but I don't think we'd be able to afford all the awesomeness =[ Would definitely pay to watch this!
Speaking of young and badass what about Chloe Moretz? She was in Kickass
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this post is. Apart from medical conditions which cause weight gain (which I myself have, I am fully aware of this), why else are people overweight then?