Liana Hallik

Is this real?

Also, I don't really recognise Lara Stone? Mendes is so beautiful, though. Not really sure why they'd swap her.

I think an American only hour is a great idea. That way I can avoid it, and I won't have to shop at the same time as the assholes that hate foreigners.

"this is (sadly) the way some couples communicate" - um, that doesn't mean it's normal.

It's fascinating isn't it? People often have no clue that they're doing it. I felt particularly sorry for the woman (not sure which ep) who thought she ate nothing but salad - she felt quite hard done by as she wasn't losing weight. Turned out that she really, really loved mayonnaise, and that was adding hundreds of

Some of my friends still do this (I'm 22)...

You've obviously never read the Daily Mail (British newspaper - the fact that it is often referred to as the Daily Fail/Heil should give you some idea of its content). Here is their list of things that give you cancer: It includes, well,

How about we stop children sitting next to black people, too, as they commit more crime proportionately. Logic!

Wow. This is amazing. In the UK, I think there is much less of a divide between classes, but also a huge proliferation of corner shops run by major supermarkets, so while things are more expensive than in superstores (which most can reach), they are still not ridiculously priced. Where I live, in a relatively affluent

It doesn't make him special, per say. Are you saying it doesn't matter what politicians think? Or does it just matter when they're in the US? Because I think that was the point; it wasn't just some intern at a newspaper, it is the mayor of a city with 800,000 people. Say it again: 800,000.

Exactly. It is not OK to act like every man is a predator, it really isn't.

What a sad, sad society we live in if we think every single man is a child molester. This is just not true, and is actually a terrible form of sexism.

Does that mean that no one wants to open shops near poor people? Genuinely curious about this - I find foreign shopping habits fascinating.

If they did indeed call her a terrorist or a camel as she alleges, then that's pretty shitty tbh, and frankly, someone needs to do something about it.

I don't mean to sound horrible, but I think there is a lot in this post that needs to be challenged if the weight problem of the western world is to be fixed. People should not be 'fat shamed' because everyone deserves to feel good about themselves, but the fact remains that being over weight does bring health

That is absolutely ridiculous. I live in the UK where supermarkets are within easy reach; I just don't understand why America made it so hard for everyone to get proper food =\

I thought BMI IS calculated on height against weight?

WTH - they have no right to yell at you. It is your body and you appear to be trying very hard to look after it (and bump). When will people stop with the pregnant lady shaming?