I'm from the UK, and a kid once tried to set my hair on fire at school. He was suspended for a week. A WEEK. Thank god I wasn't wearing hairspray.
I'm from the UK, and a kid once tried to set my hair on fire at school. He was suspended for a week. A WEEK. Thank god I wasn't wearing hairspray.
If kids want to hurt their teacher, they will find a way. Fat, ugly, foreign, female, a wearer of brightly coloured trousers, high-pitched voice, or just plain new, they will find /something/.
This was a bit tl, dr, but I read a fair chunk before I made that judgement. Unless you changed your tune half way though, I think I agree with you, though. Tbh, I for one am interested in my friends kids - they have their own personalities, and it's nice to see how they're doing. Not sure why people have a problem…
Exactly. Why should we care who people were when it matters so much more who people are now?
Did you really just compare sex work with murdering people? Derp.
Personally, I'd want every single one of my (theoretical) kids' teachers to be lovely middle class people who have never had a single problem in their lives and therefore understand exactly what children might be going through at home. Wait...
Bros before stones hahaha!
Rush out?! Nah, they should have to push it, and it should take a couple of hours at least. My mum was technically in labour with me for three days =\
Unfortunately it's not just Youtube! You get it everything where you can comment =/ Even on sites that are normally (fairly) sensible like http://www.guardian.co.uk/ whenever there is a thread on feminism for example, the inner mouth-breather comes out in many people. But yeah, that would be awesome! Although I'm…
Never read the comments on things like that. Never.
He sounds like he's lacking the ability to interact socially with people. I know a few people like that. For instance, I know one guy who just can't take the hint when you really, really want to stop talking to him. He goes on and on and on and on. Where most people would get it, he doesn't - that 'thing' is just…
This is the situation my mum had with my dad when my brother and I were little. He loved us, but he was an alcoholic, and so could not be relied upon for regular visits. My mum always said that no matter how hard it was for her, we needed our dad in our lives. I think, though, that if he hadn't eventually got clean…
Gah. I don't think men will ever fully understand pregnancy because THEY DON'T HAVE TO PUSH A BABY OUT OF THEIR VAGINA. Or indeed incubate it for nine months with all the weird body and hormone stuff that goes on. I don't know how to do rocket science, so I'm not going to tell a rocket scientist how fucking easy their…
Agreed - if it's true then this woman should have been fired =\
This. Why can't people make ads that would appeal to you, Mr I Still Dream? They'd be a lot less shitty - for men and women alike - that's for sure!
With an attitude like that he was obviously not going to be able to get anyone to do it willingly =\ What a jerk - glad you've got a nice job now, though =]
Ha, that is brilliant! Sorry you even needed to do that though =\
I'm so sorry this happened to you =[ No matter how it might feel sometimes, you are NOT to blame for what this guy did to you, and the consequences he suffered because of it. The solution is simple: if you don't want to get sacked for harrassment, don't harrass people. Easy, eh?