Good for you! Fucking asshole.
Good for you! Fucking asshole.
That is fucking outrageous. I hope karma comes back to bite that dude in the ass.
Bleurgh. On what planet is it acceptable to behave like that towards someone who obviously doesn't appreciate it? =\
If someone wants to harrass you they're lucky that all they got was an elbow. His fault for giving you no other choice, so don't feel bad about it. He might think twice next time.
But everyone* knows that black people are objectively unattractive! Look at all the magazines that don't feature black people! Science!
And yet he persisted? How sad/insistent is this guy?
Exactamundo - I'd rather have a baby at the next table that was happily being fed than one that was screaming.
Exactly. This is what boobs are actually meant for; contrary to popular belief they are not simply playthings.
But they're boobs! They're meant for sexy time! It's not like they fulfil an important biological function or anything. Oh, wait...
I know, I derped quite hard when I read this.
Because she has never shown any interest in burlesque and they're assuming that because she's a pretty woman she therefore /must/ want to take her clothes of for (shit) money? She's also a professional within the cos industry, and asking that question is reducing her to her body and basically treating her like her…
The word 'rogue' just reminds me of Sarah Palin =\
I can see the film dramatisation of this now: (must be said in a husky voice) beach volleyball players fight it out with cheerleaders for the right to be called... a sport. There will be action, there will be tumbles, but mostly, there will be PERT BUTTS. Volleyball vs. Cheerleaders. Coming to a cinema near you.
Normally, I would agree with you, but when the winners behave like this, suddenly I don't care as much about what they have to say.
I agree that the media is often less focussed on women, especially black women, but you're right, that is no reason to attack Jones. This would be so much more classy if they all cheered each other on and spoke out about this with one voice, but it sounds like Jones feels upset about the spiteful behaviour of Wells…