Liana Hallik

Kellie Wells basically said that those of them who worked hard and deserved it were up on that podium (i.e. not Jones), and Harper said that she was annoyed that the media was focussing on Jones when she had an interesting story to tell.

Because she isn't a spiteful bitch that trash-talks her team-mates?

The law may fail to take action, but Google never forgets. Stick Conrad Slimak's name through a search and this is the third article you see - if this guy ever does anything interesting with his life (which I doubt) he will forever be followed by this. Not that that is adequate punishment for the entitled asshat, of

This. Thank you.

It's up to individual countries what they give their medallists. In the UK, you don't get money, for example, but you do get to be on a stamp (and Royal Mail has also been painting their postboxes gold in towns/cities where a gold medallist was born).

Apparently it's like 'yeah' but with a j. God only knows why?

Does anyone else think STEVE HOLT! whenever they see this guy?

My mum won't even take money from me when we go grocery shopping together, sneaking my shopping into her trolley. Fortunately I'm just as sneaky as her and put money in her purse when she's not looking...

But surely 3 weeks isn't enough to cover the whole holiday? Do they get help from family/use daycare for the rest?

I always wonder how so many people can afford the school holidays. Do they just take time off to look after their kids over the summer, or do they leave them unsupervised at home?


She should report that guy to the police and never speak to him again. Well done for supporting her =[

Jess Ennis is awesome! She's really done the UK proud. I also saw an interview with swimmer Rebecca Adlington the other day and she just seemed lovely too - it's nice that these people who are so successful are still grounded and sweet to their fans =]

This. Thank you. Why can't everyone just fucking be nice to each other?

+1 my thoughts, too!

He just seems like an overgrown child to me =\

I bet these people probably think they're being so clever. Oh, making monkey noises at a black person! How very original, how witty!

I almost spat my drink out. Thankyou haha +1

I don't think it's being an asshole either. As long as you're nice about it, it doesn't matter. My mum and I have on and off mobility issues with a hidden disability and I wouldn't mind if someone asked me - again, if I didn't need the seat, I'd get up (I probably would have done that already) and if I did need it
