What does 'well-marbled' even mean? Am I missing something?
What does 'well-marbled' even mean? Am I missing something?
I think it's because all the other photos of her are practically perfect, that one stands out. Even in that photo she looks better than I do - it's just an impossible standard.
Maybe thinner women are less likely to have the attributes that apparently make a woman sexual? Bigger boobs, bigger butt?
I don't understand the negative pro-life line. Surely it is pro-everyone's-life if these women don't have an unwanted pregnancy and stay alive?
Amirite, menz? Amirite?
And not to defend others? If this woman thought the dude was a legitimate threat to the other woman, I can't see how that is wrong. If I thought someone was going to harm someone else and I could stop it by punching them, I may well do it.
Don't forget our crazy lady brains!
What a douchebag. Why do people feel they have the right to grope others like this?
I used to get people honking their horns at me when I was wearing my school uniform and obviously about 12. The uniform was a baggy grey jumper with unflattering trousers. It was so fucking creepy =\
I kind of agree - I don't find this idea tasteful, but who knows, it might be a commentary on our society. Also, as much as I love Dexter (especially the opening credits!), isn't he a shining example of modern warrior masculinity? Especially in his rugged individualism exemplified by vigilante justice whereby he seeks…
Wow, that's really creepy.
Women are just baby machines. Apparently that's all we're good for and we should like it.
I think people need to discuss this properly with doctors - including the fact that 1/5 people regret the procedure - but ultimately it has to be their decision. Doctors can be 'hesitant', but that must mean properly discussing it with the patient; it should not mean acting to block this procedure entirely. That being…
I agree - I think it is hugely important that doctors make clear the 1/5 regret figures, but ultimately people should have the right to do what they feel best for themselves.
Warning: this comment may contain traces of sarcasm... hopefully...
My friend from university - from Cork - regularly complains about the way that Irish people are portrayed an a 'fiddly-dee fiddly-da' fashion.
Amen to that - I hate a good portion of my family and don't speak to them anymore.
Making generalisations about women being 'hyper-critical' is about as helpful as making generalisations about black people, or people with blue eyes. It's just untrue; it is impossible that everyone in group x will share that characteristic.
See also: King of Queens and The Simpsons.
My ex used to go on and on about how he didn't deserve me, and 'how do you put up with me?' Eventually I used this as a springboard to break up with him, telling him he was right.