Liana Hallik

If you mistreated your lady, you deserve that lady rage dude. If you can't handle it, walk.


My brother used to use this excuse for cooking and ironing (he's 19), and got our mum to do it until I called BS and told her that she was doing him no favours. My boyfriend still uses it for sewing, and asks his mummy to do it because he knows I'd just tell him to learn how to sew his buttons on (he's 38...).

You have totally failed to understand the power relationships at play in western society. Sexism is where one gender is systematically discriminated against. Do you really think that men - who hold most of the best jobs, who earn most, who have freedoms that women do not - are discriminated against? Really?

We evidently come from different epistemological and ontological positions. I'm not even going to bother trying to persuade you.

'Cause only women can be whorey slutty mcslut sluts! Men are studs.

Your marrying a pie comment made me think of /that/ scene in American Pie...


That's dangerously close to victim blaming right there...

The trouble is that 'facts' are rarely neutral. They are often dictated by prevailing (male) power structures.

Don't you know that only brown people can be immigrants?

I just did a class on discourse analysis, and this is actually a very revealing piece of work. You should consider doing a bigger study and making this into an academic paper!

I think (think?) the point FracturedLogic was making was that patients are not mentally competent, and therefore likely to do all sorts of silly and potentially dangerous things. I don't think they were saying it was her fault, but that it is more likely in a job like that because the people are unpredictable? Not

Oh my goodness that is quite large! Mine are a 32F and while a bit annoying, they're mostly manageable. Best of luck with your op - looks like the consensus is that it will be more than worth it! =]

Because teh menz know how to do it already. Our stupid lady brains aren't big enough to cope with these things so we need a rich white dude to tell us how to do them.

"I didn't want someone who was gonna put their dick before my safety."

Yeah, because abstinence works so well (see: Palin, Bristol).


Half my problem is that I feel like I SHOULD be doing something (I'm a masters student), so I turn down invites because I need to work and then just end up on here...

My friend was sort of dating a Christian guy who said he didn't believe in sex before marriage. He would often try it on with her and eventually they had sex. He cried afterwards. Didn't stop him trying it again though...