Liana Hallik

Trouble is, people won't know how important sex is to them until they start having it. It's not just an issue of sexual chemistry, it might be that one partner actually prioritises it more than the other. Surely it's better to find this out before marriage?

So you think it is "reasonable and appropriate physical force" for someone much larger to strike a child? To my mind, that is neither reasonable or appropriate.

Here in the UK, we don't have private health insurance as it is covered by the NHS, so opting for an early C section for 'convenience' seems a little, well, frivolous (not sure if that's really the right word).

How tall are you, and how much do you weigh? Got the figures in your mind? OK, now imagine someone twice as tall and twice as heavy smacking you. If you wouldn't be terrified at that thought, then you're a braver person than I.

Society has infantilised the youth of today. We are priced out of the property market and required to have an enormously expensive degree to do almost any job these days; consequently many people have moved back in with mum and dad, and spend longer becoming an adult than previous generations. To my mind, hurting your

I think you've summed it up right there.

Why is it that often women are the harshest critics of other women? =[

Why thank you!

It is not a double standard if you consider the power context in which this debate is taking place. Largely, men have power, and women do not. People are 'hyper-sensitive to attacks on women' because they perpetuate age old stereotypes and seek to put women in their place, especially in male dominated industries like

I respectfully disagree. All these things are social constructions given meaning by society, but you are entitled to your own opinion.

I don't think it is offensive in this instance, as she obviously does not have a problem with talking about it.

I'm constantly amazed at this, living in the UK. I live in a place called Bristol (population 500,000) and we have an ok bus service (like our trains, it is a little pricey). It's really easy to walk here, though, and we have mini supermarkets /everywhere/ so I just don't need to drive. Thank god too because it sounds

Lazy and irresponsible? You do realise how expensive everything has become, right? I live in the UK - my mum bought her first house 30 years ago, with a mortgage for £40,000. The average house price is now £180,000. Am I lazy and irresponsible because baby-boomers created a housing bubble, pricing me out of the

I'm with you on this one, I don't think it is offensive but part of her story. If it keeps coming up in unrelated articles, however, that would be bit pointless.

I think this was just for clarity? It would have confused me a little if written like this: "Against Me! lead singer Tom Gabriel shocked fans last month when she bravely revealed her life-long struggle with gender identity, and announced that going forward she would be living his life as Laura-Jane Grace."

Sex is only an important category because society makes it so. There is no 'real' definition even in science. Take the case of runner Caster Semenya for example - sports governing bodies had a difficult time deciding whether she was male or female and why.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... That is all I have to say on this matter.

In my head I merged these comments as "She's a walking boob."

The biggest problem that I have with this is that not only is this happening without their consent, is that it is happening without their knowledge. At least celebrities usually have a chance to confront photographers if they don't like their behaviour - the women in this case did not have that option.

Aaw, that's a really sad but sweet story =[