
The guy recording sounds like the “double rainbow” guy. “Double car halves... ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROAD!!!!!”

I bet it sticks like donkeys ass in every single car, according to you homonuculus theory that is. 

Does this mean I can’t give my future kid my Jeep so he will have to learn how to wrench?

My Jeep Cherokee is 28 years old! And my dads 1995 grand Cherokee ha 260k on the clock and my moms Lexus RX300 has 210k on its clock!

Could it be a combination of inexperienced drivers, cold tires, automatics and actually not turning assists off? Once a car goes into a skid, traction control kicks in and cuts power to the wheels, causing them to snap back into traction which cause she the driver to lose control?

Almost mistook “Dumb buck” as a typo, but no, you’re actually talking about a dumb Buck. Not a dumb fuck, although we just have to turn the news on if we want to hear more about a dumb fuck. I’ll go back to my quite garage and not talk.

I wish I had a backyard like that. I wish my house even hadn’t a level driveway to use for working on my Jeep. I have to work on the street :(

My 28 year old Jeep gets 13 mpg and I have a 20 gallon tank and I live in Los Angeles. How screwed am I? :(

<18? Bad driver. Also, I've seen rn people pass the US driving test with a perfect score but I'd never let them drive me.

Oooooohh the spare parts in that lot, my goodness.

Nice! And I’m preparing my portfolio to apply to Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and I am so motivated to become a designer that it’s not an “if” I get in to Art Center, it’s a “when” I get in. But the goal is spring or summer of 2018.

That’s a fat sight better than my break down. It was a mere 300 mile trip from LA to Mammoth Lakes, and just as I passed the half way point, I look at the dash and see my temp gauge needle wasn’t on the bad side of the red zone. Instantly shot over to the shoulder and turned the engine off because I knew exactly what

Well, I live in Los Angeles, so that’s about a week long drive in my oh-so-reliable 1989 Jeep Cherokee, but hell, I think I might just friggin go.

Yeah that’s what I’m talking about. Only people who really pay attention to a cars design, such as petrol heads, only notice those things, whereas the vast majority of consumers do not notice the details and say “I bought it because it looks cool”or for some other reason. Also, what design school did you go to?

So after learning about all about this orgasmic engineering, how many radiators should I really have on my XJ to keep it cool? 5? 10? 20? Or is that not enough?

I’m 18, and if I, for whatever fucking reason, end up with an STI,the only mods will be doing are rally suspension and MAYBE a set of rally tires that I only put on when I actually rally it, and maybe some mud flaps, but that’s it. I put a muffler on my Jeep to make it QUIETER because I find people with obnoxiously

Am I misreading or did they not have a name of the person who rented the plane?

As someone who is majoring in car design, I can tell you that it is very easy to distinguish a car to a certain decade because most cars from a given decade share very similar design themes. And I’ve seen many cars between the 20's and the 60's that have very similar design details to another car produced in the same

So basically, if I get a bunch of different sized reverse gears and put them in my cars transmission, I can have straight cut gears for even cheaper?

I thought it was one of those tiny aliens from MIB snapping their fingers whenever I used the turn signal?