
I wonder if it will be as 'flattering' to ol' steve as Pirates Of Silicon Valley was.

Sounds like someone Tunes into

For another experiment...

Im pretty skeptical that this is real, but it is to get some flight at a low groundspeed if there is enough wind(like a kite). Though it didn't look that windy there anyway.

That's a good point, downloading 2-3 dvds or blu rays and you are essentially even money wise. It's all profit from thereon on it ;)


Apple owns iAds, and also a number of content platforms, don't think for a moment that you aren't a product with iOS, you just get to be a consumer too.

I am troubled by this dumbing down of our computers. The simplified UI of portable tablet and phone devices i can understand, they are primarily media consumption devices. But computers often do some pretty complex tasks, that end up taking longer if you try it on a tablet. (try writing an article while searching for

Right, the megaupload files must have been on his computers... Boy i hope the police don't raid Larry and Sergei's houses, they might get my Gmail inbox off their Galaxy tabs.

In that case every arrest should be a home invasion with helicopters and sub machine guns, anyone could have a gun. Maybe bring some tanks in for good measure. I can't imagine the owner of this website would go down without a fierce firefight.

No one guessed the password, the password was not weak or guessable, it was published by Guardian journalist David Leigh in his book. He is responsible for the release of these unredacted cables.