maya ivanova

Irrelevant. Strength of will and perseverence cannot alone cannot take on a dozens of kilometers trek while carrying 45kg of equipment. Men can do it and do do it. THEY HAVE TO. It keeps them alive. If a woman can do it, then let her in. If she cannot, don't. Everything else is irresponsible and puts women's lives in

Who wants to bet that had this shitstain murdered an ugly person whom he hated the shitstain judge wouldn't have said:

You aim to engage in intellectual masturbation. Fuck off.

You are an absolutely revolting human being. Calling you a human being is actually a huge stretch. Go dance barefoot on rusty nails.

It's not anti-sex. It's anti-exploitation and anti-abuse. When it comes to lack of honesty, the first person you should look at is yourself. The problem isn't that you're a slut, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a slut - the problem is that you're a slut who is controlled by men and you absolutely refuse to

Your entire argument is based around the idea that women in porn have sexual agency to begin with. That's just laughable. Please educate yourself and then come back.

Disrespect and misogyny are TAUGHT, dumbass, they're not inherent to human nature. Men and, indeed, women, don't just turn out that way in vacuum. And I am not even remotely talking about abstinence, I am talking about total overhaul of how women are treated and presented. But I guess your peabrain is far too small to

Your ignorance, naivety and stupidity are staggering. ALL men are misogynistic, because our society is inherently misogynistic and teaches them to be misogynistic from birth. It could be conscious or subconscious, some might be worse than others, but there are no exceptions. None whatsoever. Get your fucking head out

Nope, just a realist. You're the one with your head in the sand.

The amount of porn that isn't like that is so negligible that it's irrelevant to this discussion.

A man already brainwashed by society to view women as objects watches porn movie that treats women as objects and it just cements his view even further. Then he treats ME as an object. Therefore I am harmed. So yes, I do get to dictate which choices are more worthy than others. Your choices are only worthy as long as

It's newsworthy now because now it's said by someone whose voice the privileged are interested in hearing. Is it fair? FUCK NO. But reality isn't fair and we'll just have to deal with it and then make use of it.

When a man watches a porn movie that presents the women in it as objects and then treats ME as an object it's first and foremost his fault, and the fault lies in the people who made it. The industry behind that paid for it and the actors who participated in it. So, yes, your consensual sex actively contributes to MY

But you're all so happy when you ~chooooooooose~ to "allow" men's paternalistic views of yourself. I already said it to you, but I'll say it again. You're woman. You do NOT have sexual freedom. You have never had sexual freedom. Your foremothers have never had sexual freedom. The only thing you and the likes of you

LMAO "sexual freedom". The way society is at the moment - and has been for millenia - women are NOT sexually free. We have only two actual, real choices - cooperate with patriarchy or refuse to cooperate. Both choices are valid but only the latter is empowering. So fuck off with your choice feminism, it's childish,

You keep telling it like it is, the little girls drinking the Jezebel choice "feminism" kool-aid will realize sooner or later how self-destructive they are.

When her choices actively harm me, judgement is not just acceptable, it's necessary. Patriarchy has no bigger allies than choice "feminists".

The point of feminism to bring change. When a woman's choices are in direct opposition with that goal, they're definitely up for judging, and harshly so. Not all choices are equal just because they're made by women.

What's so incredible? Porn presents women as objects. Society already teaches men to view women as objects, porn just cements that view. So it logical, though not acceptable, they'd treat porn actresses like objects. Nothing particularly surprising there.

There are no legitimate grievances here, only unsatisfied ego. I AM one of those oppressed people. And I sure as fuck want those who aren't oppressed to talk about my oppression. Why? Because I am far more interested in bringing change, for myself and everyone else, than to stroke my ego. The privileged are far more