
In here: GHB, BOB, BOV critics.That's what happens when you put "survival" on the title.

Hello German Girl,

I'm wondering if there is any good water-washable keyboard.

Same here, but for android.

Here's a story:Up until about three years ago, I was subscribed to gizmodo and lifehacker, because those are two things I care about.
Then one day I realized that Gizmodo has slowly morphed so that half of the posts had nothing to do with gadgets and technology.

I'm sorry, but is this a new theme for lifehacker? Flame wars etc.?

Where's the option "When my parents come to visit?"

Yep, especially for multi-screen users.

No no, that's wrong way to look at the Maslow's hierachy chart.It's called "Maslow's hierarchy of needs", not hierarchy of wants.

Programming/Web Design & Development?
If you are going to in-state public school, I don't think it's going to be that bad.

Hey there WorkBurnerAccount,
Resident biologist here.
Actually I just changed my username, since I often make biological intepretation/offer somewhat interesting biological analogs for articles in lifehacker.

I am animal behaviorist/neuroscientist, what you describe sounds very much like something we call "social defeat"

Well, generalization is dangerous of course.


Evolution, friends. Evolution.

That "evil eyes" with wifi signal icon makes it look sad for some reason.

f.lux is great, but I think it reduces brightness/contrast as the day goes by.

Yeah, I hate the UI on GIMP (especially how it handles pasted image) but, hell- nothing beats free!

Ditto on the japanese girls there. They are pretty awesome.

Leaving a note here for fellow and future language learners: These tools occupy separate niche.

Vote: Anki

Why: Let's face it, basis of all language learning is memorization. You memorize vocabularies, grammar rules, and expressions before you can do anything with the language. When it comes to memorizing, anki is one of the best tool out there and it certainly is the most customizable on the list.