
So I don’t get something here: If a passenger is bumped involuntarily by 2 hours, the airline owes the customer 400% of ticket price.

Category: Lodging/Transportation

I personally use the spoon trick.
Chances are, you will confront a stuck jar in a kitchen, where spoon is readily available.
I don't know what you are doing if you find stuck jars near a place where condoms are readily available. Whipped cream?

I do this a lot but for a different reason:

For PC gamers :P

I liked the article up until grinding and leveling-up.
If you could grind or level up, it wouldn't be called a loading screen.

Promo code for EMCWHWB36 didn't work for me.

Promo code for EMCWHWB36 didn't work for me.

Hey man, your youtube channel is dope. Just wanted to leave it there.

I'm going to chime in on the praise of the device.

I'm going to chime in on the praise of the device.

Patient satisfaction. I would like 100% of my patients to be happy with their care. Nationally, satisfaction of an ER visit is in the 80-85% range. Unfortunately, I feel that most of the time the unhappy 15-20% are unhappy about factors I can't control. Wait times, workup times, and people who want chronic medical

Valid excuse: I don't have a TV.

Valid excuse: I don't have a TV.

In other words, check if you can change your seat when you check-in online. I did notice that more seats open up almost exactly at 24hr before flight.

Uh... sleep in your car?

Kind of a tangent, but can we get more evidence-based (or expert suggested) lifehack advice and less anecdotal advice?

Same thing happening to United starting 2015.

Well, it's a travel required job and they do business all over the place.

Thanks for the tip.

How to use Glassdoor to find a job. by Glassdoor.

Hey uh... Can LH do a high five for truecrypt alternatives?

Am I the only person who is more worried that the attackers have names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and birth dates?