
1. I don't think you can find any better price for the device, as apparently google aren't interested in making money off of their product [LINK]

Doesn't have any "results" picture.

Well, the "Atkins" they used is high in fat (around 60% according to the article given).

I am surprised that they didn't mention high protein diet.

Hey Mufasa, Good luck to you next year.

Nah, I still went to bars and hung out with people few hours a week.

I think this works. I didn't tell anybody that I am preparing for MCAT.

I haven't read completely before rage-posting. I guess I can't do 24/7 video play.

Verizon's definition of giving customers choice.

Klean Kanteen is great, but if you are rough with your Kanteen, the coating gets scratched off.

This is the first time I heard about dominant eye, but I immediately knew which one it was.

If you have never been a runner, that might be it.

Just realized from this infographic: myspace has a new logo. Fascinating.

Somebody should write a script that replaces all the words above into some other words.

Just something I've noted: Google and Samsung are really getting along well together aren't they?

Convince him that he is magic like the wicked witch of the west.

Yeah, seen it.

I have a roll of 10 gauge copper wire.


Isn't there something called handicap seats in NYC train?