
I was just thinking that! :D

I'm sorry, JP.

It would have been so much better if this announcement came before the change was applied.

I think you are getting to somewhere but there's no "Settings" within 0000

I reinstalled the entire OS last night, so completely new audio driver. Reinstalling didn't fix the problem though.


MB is 2 years old.

My sound card is not recognizing my headphone.

:D Just carry a laser sighted pistol

I have been waiting for this app because it gives you (I think) randomized run routes.

Awesome. :D

That's cool. Thanks.

Did you know that Friday openthread has different tag than normal openthread?

So it's just a video. What's with the donation then? What are they going to do with the money?

I watched about 5 minutes of it few days ago and thought it was another peace warrior mumbojumbo.

So maybe Google Play is a big innovation.

I am studying for MCAT now. During each pomodoro, I solve practice questions.

I usually do some facebook, read some lifehacker articles, check email, you know "fun" stuff during the break.

Problem with Pomodoro with me (even though I love it) is that after a few pomodoro, I just lose motivation all together.

"Wait a second. I hate this shirt" :Throws it in the trash: