Lou Gehrig's Other Disease

I’d agree -the pacing of S7 and 8 is out of sorts compared to the previous six seasons. The plotting, the slow burn, the ep 9 climax all made those first 6 seasons what they were.

During the Schindler’s Listian ash-fall, I kept waiting for them to show an empty Iron Throne, ash drifting gently through the fractured ceiling, to tie that portion of Bran’s prophecy back into it.

What an asshole. He’s a lot like his target - even when he makes a valid point, he’s such a dickhead it’s hard to get past it.

Methinks it will be a MadQueen Queenslayer moment, when Dany and Jon come through the gates and into the throne room, and Jaime is there on the throne, with a dead Cersei at his feet.

Hmm- now I’m not sure. I just assumed it was Viserion, because he looked pretty torn up from the aerial battle. But it could have just as easily been Rheagal. 

Not sure if anyone else watched the “inside the episode” thing afterwards (It was on HBONow), but it’s interesting to note D&D said they knew Arya was going to kill the NK about 3 years ago.

I agree- said to my wife “if he were dead, he’d have come back as a wight-dragon, no?”

nice to see you can be thoughtful and rational, and aren’t a cartoonish caricature.

Ben Franklin could be legal. The rules for proper names are:

My kids (6yo son and 9yo daughter) like Dragonwood, a small, quick, dice-n-card game with a good push your luck element.

  • “Kinja fucking sucks, and the AV Club is a decaying husk of its former self.”

In the year 2000, Calista Flockhart will go on national TV and eat a steak to prove she’s not anorexic. However, she’ll forget to bring a steak knife and have to use her elbow.

That TJ Miller is quite the rapscallion! What will he come up with next?!