
is that why she has such a fat ass?

I heard he’s going to be Madison Cawthorn’s wheelchair pusher....

crypto trading is a zero sum game. since there is nothing that is created of value, the crypto one person buys must be sold to another person, and the net of transactions is zero gain. Someone gets left holding the crypto as it declines in price, and they cannot find someone to buy it for what they paid.

The description of the “rescue” shows why crypto is a farce: “it would loan $750 million in Bitcoin and 750 million UST”. If BTC were real money, they would just lend BTC 20,000. Why state in terms of a fiat currency?

Crypto is not money.

This young man, he played ten,
He played knick-knack with his friends;
With a knick-knack Tallywhack,
slip a child his bone,
Mister Cawthorn came rolling home.

good on you mom!

you mean the ones that consider Doritos as “mexican food”?

Is there a formal slang term for marrying one’s beard?

do they really work better if you have gauges?  

Now playing

The problem with Sorkin is he never shuts the fuck up. Imagine having sex with Sorkin and having Jed Bartlett homilies in your ear.

they were hoping the readers would swarm...

two seater and no room for an overnight bag. not using this to go away for the weekend.

I guess this means Tom Cotton will support Biden’s infrastructure bill...

the driver in this scenario does not come off looking like a bright individual.

For a suburban father of young children, who couldn’t get to a concert anymore unless it was a special event, picking up a CD at Starbucks on a Saturday morning maintained my sanity.

The pedestrian cereal/milk combinations you describe ARE horrible, but some gourmet mixtures are sublime.  Specifically, Frosted Flakes with very cold half and half, just enough to dampen the cereal, not enough to drown it.  

King Tides broke over the sea wall and flooded much of the town. It really is sea water. And much of it is the consistency of a slurpee,

I once went to Mazatlan for Thanksgiving, and we went to a Thanksgiving Turkey dinner with all the American stuff, plus free tequila!

So Ralph in Accounting fucks up the quarterly reports, and the boss yells, “Oh Cheese, we’re screwed!” blaming it all on you !

(that’s ‘cuz she couldn’t be truthful....)