
me, an intellectual: Mythic Quest

Tucci’s “Searching for Italy” is a must-watch. 

Now playing

For comedy: Otto getting in one more exclamation of “ASSHOOOOLLLE!” as the plane takes off at the end of A Fish Called Wanda. Classic Otto.

“No problem with someone liking a film that I don’t.”

It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Hey looks it’s “nothing is original anymore!” guy. 

I don’t know what to tell you.

to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way

For fuck’s sake, why?!? Just about any other Lost ripoff that’s come out in the years since that show deserved it more than this does.

The sad thing is that there’s so little competition.

What a titan.  I always forget the amount of notable films he did beyond Superman.  91, a good long life.  Farewell Donner, the creator of the best Superman film ever made.


People prefer watching a minute of an embedded video to see a glance of the logo. It’s a scientifically proven fact

Okay, I’m glad I’m not alone. I was reading the review and comments like am I the only one who likes this show? I’m not super into the romance, but I’ll let Tom Hiddleston sell it to me.

I seem to be taking this a lot less seriously than some because I enjoyed this episode. Plus, of COURSE Loki would fall in love with himself. As for a sympathetic Loki, he has been portrayed so many different ways in the MCU that this doesn’t trouble me at all. After all, even the “Sacred Timeline” Loki got a

So is Joe Rogan the AV Club’s new obsession now that Zack Snyder doesn’t have any movies coming out soon?

I’ve wondered how the show continued after Dushku won a settlement over how Weatherly treated her. He sounds like a first-class creep.

This place is a tabloid.

I don’t know what the point of this article even is, and I suspect the writer doesn’t either.

Considering that I don’t think I’ve seen a review of this show in years that’s been more than vaguely positive at best, and in light of the many TV reviews that have met the chopping block in that time, I’m genuinely bewildered that it was Shameless that the AV Club was apparently convinced was worth sticking with to t